TCEQ Consolidated Public Notices for Air Permits

In November 2017, TCEQ proposed rules to consolidate public notices for certain air permits. In the past, New Source Review permit applications required two 30-day public notice periods, the Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit (NORI) and the Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision (NAPD). The amendments proposed would consolidate the NORI and NAPD requirements into one 30-day notice period in certain cases.

Consolidated public notice would:

  • apply to new permit or permit amendment applications (does not apply to renewals)
  • apply ONLY if, within 15 days of receipt, TCEQ declares the application administratively and technically complete and the executive director has prepared the draft permit of the application. This includes
    • Checking emission calculations and control technology requirements
    • Selecting well-established draft permit conditions, and
    • Determining off-property impacts
  • continue to require posting of signs and placing a copy of the application in a public place, as well as alternative language notice, if applicable
  • allow the public to submit comments, request a public meeting, and request a contested case hearing within 30 days from the date it was published in the newspaper

Anticipated adoption of the rule is May 23, 2018.


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